Monday, January 28, 2008

Tsk Tsk Tsk Kenya

According to NPR and BBC, Kenyans are still fighting and causing blight. Do we have a responsibility to step in the form of UN? I bet it won't happen and that makes me sad:(


Anonymous said...

Hey Joe, I hate to say it, but its not going to happen. The UN and the world has a history of not caring about Africa. France even has a history of supporting genocide in Rwanda.

Do you think the US should try to go in along and get something done, since the UN won't do anything? What are any of the "presidential" candidates in the US saying? I know Ron Paul would probably be against any action. What about Hillary, her faithful partner should know a lot about Africa and regret. Obama? Those Republican foolios? Is the old DA from Law and Order still involved?

Anonymous said...

I will take the position that we should just let them duke it out--so no troops. That being said, some diplomatic pressure might be useful, but since the British caused the problem by colonizing there, maybe they should deal with it while the US takes care of the problems that it caused, such as Iraq.

Unknown said...

I don't know the details of the conflict but we alls are obligated to provide humanitarian aid. Where there is conflict, there will be refugees and we should do our best to help them.