Monday, January 28, 2008

5 reasons I love my girlfriend

1.) She has nice eyes
2.) She has nice legs
3.) She's fun
4.) She likes paintings
5.) She likes yoga

I thought I should start making such lists since I need to appreciate her more. However, this may be a good opportunity to tell me why you like someone, anyone in your life. We should all appreciate each other more:)


Anonymous said...

Are these in any particular order?

Anonymous said...

5 reasons I like the weather:

1. Great conversation starter
2. Childhood awe at the power of nature and the mysteries of various kinds of weather
3. Makes the "outside" so much more exciting than if it was sunny all the time
4. Allows for procrastination on the internet for hours
5. The unpredictability of it all--surprises can be fun!

Tea Talker said...

No they are not in a particular order.

Unknown said...

5 reasons why I love to run:
5. useful for transportation
4. fun to run with people or beat them in competition (and I like runner-girls!)
3. very good for you
2. feels very good to run
1. total feeling of connection with myself from the highest thought to the lowest sensation