Sunday, January 27, 2008


It seems to me hard to cultivate a good friendship with a woman. I don't know if this is because I went to Marquette High and lack the wherewithall to know how or if it is the old "Harry Met Sally" advice that men and women can never truly be friends. Perhaps I am looking for something that cannot exist. I can't say that I have anyone close to me who is a woman besides Rory, but it works because she's not technically my friend. But is she? I don't know. It has been something that has been bothering me. I guess I would like a mix of close friends who are women and men. However, almost all of my close friends are men. Perhaps that's the way it should be and I should stop thinking that I need women in my life to be my friends. Perhaps you love them or you occassioanlly see them.

*My terms of friendship may be a little skewed, and difficult to explain, but for the most part someone who you feel a deep bond to. Someone more than an acquaintance who, if you are a good person, be cordial to in your own right.

*I hopefully don't confuse anyone with the aforemetioned statements. They are just some thoughts I've had.


Anonymous said...

I see your point.

I think men and women can be friends, but I also realize that in my cases, it is never really the same as same-sex friendships. Female acquaintances tend to be ok, but in cases of stronger friendship, it works, but it definitely isn't the same as friendships with guys. Maybe for two happily married people it is different, but for college students it probably is difficult to avoid developing attractions, or at least wondering "what if".

I really think this is one of those things that goes on a case-to-case basis.

Oh, and I also do think it is possible to be friends and dating someone at the same time, but it really depends on the couple.

Tea Talker said...

Thanks for the comment Joe. I think your comments are along the same lines of what I'm thinking, but relationships with women are confusing. I think I am more confused about women than when I was at MUHS. Life was just simpler in high school:)

Unknown said...

My best friends in high school where almost all girls. This may be partly due to a statistical fluxuation in a class of 200 that made the female gender claim the best minds. My friends in college are more evenly balanced but I think the point is made. I feel a very strong friendship and connection to some of my female friends from high school and in college without romantic feelings. It is possible.