Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Heroes vs. Idols

I feel like I did not convince you all the last time so I will reopen my comments with my points from "A Wing and A Prayer."

I may be using the wrong terms, but I feel that there are those individuals who embody the values of a community rather than support the values of one person.

For instance, I idolize my dad, but I would not consider him a hero, at least not as I would understand the term.

A better representation would be someone like Superman. He represents America, he even says that fights for "Truth, Justice, and the American Way." He's probably even a bad example.

A better example would be the saints of the Catholic Church. They are supposed to embody the values of Church. They have their stories of lore - namely the miracles and the good deeds they have done. The stories may not be accurate, but they offer Catholics a good template for how to be good Catholics. I try to pattern my life as St. Ignatius of Loyola because I believe it helps me understand how to fall in line with the values and ethics of the Catholic Church.

Another example would be George Washington - the classic defender of democracy. Some of his life is fact, other was myth, however, you cannot deny that he embodied the virtues of our American Democracy.

The last example for me would be Vince Lombardi. If you had to put a face to the Green Bay Packers, then it would have to be Lombardi – a man who also seem to embody the virtues of the Packers – hard working, intelligent, etc.

I bring this up because I think we have dismantled our heroes. I think we want to think of people as mere men or women rather than legends. We leave heroes to children for the most part and believe once we come of age that it is foolish to believe that these people were anything else except a man or a woman. I will go as far as to say this has occurred with a lack of good storytelling. All of our movie star heroes lead meaningless existences. They have no connections to any of my institutions and they certainly do not help me understand my world. The heroes of today lead perilous lives either being spies, getting treasures, or kicking butt, but at the end of the day they don’t explain anything, they just entertain.

Don’t we need storytelling again? I think story time is not just for small children, but it is something sorely missing from our existence. As I heard on the BBC, stories should help us describe something that we can’t explain with plain words. I can’t believe we can explain everything in our existence. I know I can’t. Food for thought.

This may seem strange and geeky, but if I had to name my favorite superhero it would be Captain Planet because he embodied a new America that would battle the problems of industrialization. For my purposes, he replaces Superman in that way.

Some killer sounds...

My latest listenings...

Son of Dave
-50's Chicago Blues meets London Electronica

-17 Hippies meets punk rock

A Wing and a Prayer (Cont.)

To continue from my discussion below...

My own run in with the Church makes me think about my attachment to institutions and my community. Have I ever abandoned institutions because I found something within them unappealing? When is the tipping point when there are too many problems with an institution that you cannot turn around. When do institutions stop looking out for you and begin to abuse you? Is it when they give up on us or we give up on them or a little of both?

I can specifically think about the institution of Democracy as another example. I still believe I am far too apathetic about fighting for my rights, using my right to vote, etc. because of the bad things that politicians have done, the apathy of the people around me, and my own lack of belief in democracy at times.

However, that being said, I still believe that the costs of democracy are still outweighed by the benefits.

It makes me want to connect a Wing and a Prayer with another episode of Northern Exposure. There is an episode about Democracy in America and Chris gets in a discussion about whether it is more important who someone votes for or the fact that the person votes.

I think people need to vote because it’s the start of a good process. Even if your vote may not count it's like going to Church, it's supporting an institution - democracy and that's really important. At the end of that episode Chris and Ed are talking in the radio booth and Chris tells Ed to put a tally in the win column for Democracy because there was a good turnout rate for the voting.

I’m afraid that our generation takes our institutions for granted. At least I do. They can as easily fall as they were created and I am sure some of them should. However, I guess I have a plea for an examination for how institutions affect you and you them.

Are institutions composed of people or is there something greater than all the people involved? A synergy? I would say so, but I think at times it is good to realize they are both. I want to your thoughts on this.

A Wing and a Prayer

Back to my Northern Exposure addiction...

I watched the episode entitled "A Wing and a Prayer" off the expression like "I did something on a wing and a prayer" like you did something against the odds. In the episode a few different plots a few different stories develop.

The one I wanted to watch and reflect on the most was the baptism of the daughter of Shelly and Holling. The priest comes to town and he acts just like a common man and it upsets Shelly. She provokes her husband into arguments about faith, arm wrestles with him, and drinks. She chews out the priest in confession because of his behavior and she tells him that she shouldn't worry because he is a man at the end of day and the real mystery comes from God and Jesus (because Shelly is a Catholic).

I wanted to watch this set of scenes because in the past few weeks I have been disgruntled with the Catholic Church because of its members and its leaders than in constructing my own faith. I boycotted Church in Madison and at home because I was upset with the homilies, but isn't my bigger reason for going the sacrament of the Eucharist? I believe I shouldn't have been so disgruntled with the institution because of few people or some beliefs.

I know our only German in the group is against cars, but...

God damn this car is sweet and it will never it American soil according to Edmunds.

A TT that gets 42 mpg. 42 mpg with 4 wheel drive and 170 V-6 engine that gets the power of a V-8. F*** a civic at that rate. Who cares if it isn't 200 hp? OMG. What is wrong with the American consumer? 42 f***ing miles to the gallon for a sports car.


Friday, May 23, 2008

I don't know anything about bikes

I want to ask for a bike for Christmas, but because I don't ride I have no idea what I should ask for. Should I get a mountain bike or is that too serious? Does it really matter if I am just learning how to ride?

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Even though I have scruples about driving I have an obsession with cars...

So I have a survey...

Mercedes R Class v. Honda Odyssey
Mazda 3 Hatchback v. Audi A3
Porsche 911 v. Audi R8
Acura RDX v. Subaru Outback
Porsche Cayman v. Audi TT
Mini Clubman v. Honda Fit
Ford Escape v. Subaru Forester

What movies are good this summer?

I really want to see a movie this summer, but everything looks like rubbish to me. Any suggestions?

Do the Brewers have any shot at the playoffs?

I don't follow sports at all so I am counting on all of you to let me on this. Give me a yes or no and why you believe so.

Who really should have won American Idol this season?

I'm so confused on this so I am sending this one out to all of you.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I am an elitist

Lately, when I have stuck people about their beliefs I have heard back "Joe, you are such an elitist to think that..." Am I really? I wonder if it is just a way to stick me and not have to argue with me like "You are such a Nazi" or "You are being such a...(fill in your own stunner). For me, being labeled an elitist is like getting a hit in the gut during an argument. However, perhaps I need to come to terms that I may in fact be. Maybe my thoughts are rather high class. I want people to stop watching the TV and start interacting with each other. That's elitist. I want people to work more at things that fulfill them, desire less cash, and receive more non-cash benefits. That must also be elitist. While I am sarcastic in these comments, I do need some retrospection to see where I need to break from this "elitist attitude" that more than two people would call me such a name. Elitist. I dearly hope not to be and if I have to you I am sorry.

Cars and Sports and Sports Cars

I really am feeling bad lately about driving and sports. I am obsessing lately about these two things. On the one hand I love cars. I love feeling the vibrations of a great engine, the thrill of driving fast, and the excitement of cornering on tight roads, but I sadly know that this pleasure wastes resources and sends unknown amounts of carbon into the air. I also know that my demand for cars creates more traffic on the highway and consequently causes more congestion and more pollution. I hope that there can a hydrogen BMW or even a Porsche one day so I don't have to worry. Then there is the other issue. If I buy a car that I love because it drives great I will have people with a certain image of me as being rich and wanting to be seen and that really sucks. I would be type casted as a corporate attorney or banker (whatever I choose). Again sad. Perhaps society is trying to send me a message that I should not try to shoot for material goods like cars. Perhaps I need to just learn how to ride a bike and f*** the car scene. I think I will inevitable have to give into driving a car though. It's too hard not too. Gosh darn American culture.

My second obsession lately has been to understand why I watch sports. On the one hand, I would like to start a campaign to end professional sports, but on the other hand I know would alienate everyone around me. It's amazing how innately tied sports are to the world. We almost interact by sports. I know they are great to play, but I am beginning to grow cold on watching them. I have no connection to the people on the field, sometimes I don't even feel they are a good representation of the community in which I live (yet this is another problem because it's so hard to define a community). The only thing I feel they have in common with me is that they live in my community. My guess would be that people watch for this very reason though. Because they want to feel innately tied to a community. So when the Badgers beat the Wolverines it's like a win for the whole Madison community. If Poland beats France then it is a win for a whole country. How did we get sports get to this level? Is this why we get so angry when the Brewers or the Packers lose? Have they let down the whole community? Should we really allow some guys that hit balls with bats to represent our community? Really? Men who wear knee highs?

The irony of this entire rant is that for four years of football and to this day I still believed I represented the entire Marquette High community when I played? Was this an illusion? No, but what did my hits against other teams represent?

Hopefully someone has some answers on these enigmas.


My goal in life is to create the most positive/least negative impact on the Earth and its people. What are some ways that you think a person can follow through on this within themselves, within their house, among their friends?

Within themselves - Perhaps meditating more? Exercising?
Within their house - Perhaps wasting less water? Buying energy saving devices and using them less?
Among people? - Respecting more people? Respecting more of the decisions of the people close to you? Being less dependent on people?

Monday, May 19, 2008

Arvo Part - Lamentate

My current track of week is Arvo Part's Lamentate. I bought the recording last week as I was leaving Madison. Part wrote the music after seeing a statue that lamented the dead and he thought that he should write a piece that laments the living. He specifically writes it for those who suffer. As I study for LSAT I find it comforting music.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Is Hip Hop art?

I think it is, but I wanted to hear some thoughts on this because some are convinced that it lacks artistic quality? If it's not art, what is it?
Apparently, according to a certain member of this blog I said somewhere in the past that I was disadvantaged in my relations with the opposite sex by going to Marquette. Perhaps, but I still possessed many good friends who were women in high school. It was just strange not to have women to work with in classes. That was sort of strange, but other than it was nice not to have all the drama. Gosh:)

Monday, May 5, 2008


Something new on my blog will be writing about how a certain song relates to my life currently. I really want to get at the question of how music affects my own life and how it affects all of you who read this. Please leave a song that really relates to how you currently feel.

My current track is "Fratres" by Arvo Part performed by Gil Shaham. The title means "Brothers" and it refers to religious monks. I don't know the story behind the song except that Part wrote it while out in the great open expanses of the Midwestern U.S. (He's from Europe). He said the song reflects his feelings while in this sparse silent location. I think it makes an excellent track for my own life because it goes from spurts of cluttered quick playing to simplistic clear notes. It makes me think of my own life that moves between utter confusion and surprising clarity.

So that's my bit, what's yours?

Saturday, May 3, 2008


Building off of the last blog, I have come to realize that even my favorite topic of discussion - music is not free from being "filler." In fact it can be one of the greatest fillers. People will listen to music just to literally fill the air. However, music can be so much more. It's not just a collection of sounds that sound appealing. It's expression that teaches you something about another person and yourself.

An artist is not just an artist, but I feel from talking to my friends that it is to many people. A music artist just plays catchy tunes - they shouldn't have personal opinions, they shouldn't tell stories. The modern music artist is just a performer. I scoff at that thought, but it is probably what is demanded out there.

Music is a representation of a person's culture, their thoughts, their connection with society. Even if they express themselves through their instrument it is their form of speaking.

I personally want to feel a connection with an artist when I hear their music. I want "authentic" music. I am defining "authentic" music as music played by an artist who seeks express something about himself or herself while seeking to engender a change out of their audience. I realize that under this definition many things fall, but I am trying to separate all this trashy music that just sounds good versus the stuff that actually possesses valuable content. I realize this is very difficult because someone's trash is another's treasure, but maybe someone can help me with this.


I never got to pick up my discussion on things like sports, fashion, etc. I believe that I would need to break them apart to fully evaluate them. However, for my discussion tonight I want to group them together. I think people find "filler" topics. Conversation that has no substantive value. That's what sports, fashion, etc. can be. You could perhaps talk about sports to feel part of some community, but otherwise it just seems like a way for people to avoid talking about other things. People do not want to talk about politics and news because there are too many stories and people seem uneasy about it. And your work or academic field is mostly unique to you. So your best bet is to talk about something neutral and something you know the other person will probably know. An even easier one is the weather because there are people out there like me who don't watch of pay attention to sports. If I had my "fillers" they would probably be the weather and cars.


I am recommending this group I heard on BBC Radio 3's Late Junction. They are a mix of different sounds, but they derive from Sweden. Check them out.