Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A Wing and a Prayer

Back to my Northern Exposure addiction...

I watched the episode entitled "A Wing and a Prayer" off the expression like "I did something on a wing and a prayer" like you did something against the odds. In the episode a few different plots a few different stories develop.

The one I wanted to watch and reflect on the most was the baptism of the daughter of Shelly and Holling. The priest comes to town and he acts just like a common man and it upsets Shelly. She provokes her husband into arguments about faith, arm wrestles with him, and drinks. She chews out the priest in confession because of his behavior and she tells him that she shouldn't worry because he is a man at the end of day and the real mystery comes from God and Jesus (because Shelly is a Catholic).

I wanted to watch this set of scenes because in the past few weeks I have been disgruntled with the Catholic Church because of its members and its leaders than in constructing my own faith. I boycotted Church in Madison and at home because I was upset with the homilies, but isn't my bigger reason for going the sacrament of the Eucharist? I believe I shouldn't have been so disgruntled with the institution because of few people or some beliefs.

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