Friday, February 29, 2008

Nothern Exposure

In response to Dan's question...I have Northern Exposure on DVD. The show has been off the air for I believe 13 years now;( My roommate Dan is the only one I can really get to watch the episodes with me. Otherwise I'm alone in watching it.

Wailin' Jennys

Worth a listen if you can find a copy. I found mine at the College Library.


So at this point Dan sounds very Camus-like that people only come together in hard times. I certainly agree with that, but it seems too simplistic. I think it is the only thing that consistently brings people together into community. But there are other things...What about holidays, celebrations, etc. Communities can bond at the fourth of July, through fraternal organizations, etc.

Rowan and I were having an interesting discussion last night that gave me a realization why I'm bummed about St. Pauls. We realized that the community I am looking for is more what existed at Marquette High. It wasn't necessarily our religion that bonded us together. We had other things. We were students, we shared the Jesuit values (even if we didn't share the faith), etc. At St. Pauls it seems that the community is built on people's faith, not on something greater. A community has to be multi-dimensional. We thought about the neighborhood where my dad grew up in Milwaukee. The neighborhood was tightly bounded. Kids played together at a closely accessible community park, people attended a close Church, people discussed things and knew their neighbors. That made Church meaningful because you did things as a community, and came together with people you already felt strongly about on a different level. Something else has to form a community and the faith is more an expression of that bonding, it shouldn't necessarily be the formation of the bonds.

As for my faith, I am on shaky ground right now, but I think Rory and Rowan will keep me in the loop. More than that though I feel like it is an important way to identify myself and be part of a community. People of the same faith can share the same rituals, heroes, and values. I think this is extremely important in a globalized world where our identifiers are either shallow (consumer choices, baseball team, etc.) or not important. I think people should discuss issues between one another (that means outside of your safe communities), but a community is important to bind you to people who can help shelter you from and shape you for that world. That's what Marquette High gave me and I have yet to find it in full form again.


I guess there can certainly be a competitive element to running. I should have said that there are different levels of competitiveness and different types. I generally like to run with people or by myself. I have never raced against anyone so I really shouldn't have spoke of the competitive nature. If I had my way I would want a woman who can play tennis with me because it is this direct competition. It is putting all your energy into an object and sailing it across to her. So she can thwart it back to you. At the same time you're both trying to anticipate each other's moves so that you can beat the other person strategically. All this occurs within seconds. I find that about as good as it gets. While it is not a direct counter to Dan's comment about running being competitive, it is what I had in mind. The irony of all this is I met Rory while doing yoga - a very personal, extremely non-competitive activity. Alas, cupid's arrow;)

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Our Tribe

It will be regular that I will comment on Northern Exposure episodes here. I am afraid that it is sort of my "bible," which is scary to me. I still hold the Bible as part of my resources for life, but Northern Exposure expands outside of that. It just seems shallow that a TV is what reaches deep into my soul and rips out questions I didn't want to ask myself. Shouldn't that be the Bible's job? Perhaps it's not so strange since I was brought up on TV and find it my main medium.

The show I watched tonight was about Joel (the doctor) being adopted by a local Native American tribe. Simultaneously, the bar owner closed the bar and left the town without a common meeting spot while he watched the stars for a star he bought a number of years ago. The show, with no surprise, was about community.

It talked about how years ago we were individuals and then we formed into tribes and then the networks became more complex until things are just blurred. The doctor, who at first abhorred the idea of being adopted by this tribe later came to love it because it was a simple community in which he could belong to. He talked about how he was part of a tribe of New York Knicks fans, a tribe of Jews, a tribe of apartment owners.

It made me think about my own networks. I have the people I live with, my family, my friends, the environmental groups I'm in, and the business school, St. Pauls, etc. And yet out of all of these "tribes" I feel scattered and somehow unfulfilled. I'm throwing this one out on my own because I am aware that many people feel a deeper connection to their communities than I do, but I just feel a disconnect. I am well connected, knowledgeable, and constantly meeting with people, but I don't really feel connected. I guess part of the reason I created this blog so that I would have some sort of community. A way that the internet has been used very much today.

One related issue this week has been my girlfriend being irate with me about breaking my lenten promises and not going to Church. Lately I have felt disconnected with my faith and I think it is due to my lack of a proper faith community. I do not feel at home with the people at the faith community here in Madison. I probably could make an effort to be more involved in the community, but I just don't feel like it's worth it. It's just a feeling, no quantifier behind it. I think this is why I broke my lenten promises (besides the fact that none of them meant anything to me). I feel like we should always be moving toward Christ, always improving ourselves. That's not the point of Lent. The point of Lent is to sacrifice yourself on a part of the community. It is the same reason that mass should important. Not because you're damned to hell but because you feel connected to that group.

I thought about this point because the Native American tribe made Joel go through many sacrifices to join their group from fasting, to giving up his belongings, to sleeping outside and watching for visions.

I think we make sacrifices for the communities that we feel strongly about. The question is what communities do we feel strongly about. Currently, I guess as I said my family and friends would be about it, but I see those more as network and less as a community. I'll keep grappling with this one.

Political Spike

Joe and Dan have now become a formidable counter to my comments. A move I didn't see. It's comparable to volleyball. I can see Joe constantly making perfect set ups for Dan to spike the ball across the line and leave me wondering how they scored a point. I applaud you both for that team effort.

As for your comments they have made me rethink my points as they should. I think that Barack will bring some change if nothing else in the attitude of the country. I still worry that he or McCain may be mavericks. I still think that touting the party line is an important ideal, but just not in American politics. People especially in our generation are apathetic to party ideals mostly because they are stagnant. We do not have the system where the party and the prime minister are elected together. I think I would be more akin to that, but I know it has its issues. I really want some different parties to emerge and for the parties to be the negotiators of policy. I think we have given too much power to the President. Something out constitution was never meant to do. King George is truly a tyrant but I think we have allowed his train of abuses. Sound familiar:) I think our political process needs a change, but it's not going to happen.

So...on that note if there is going to be a maverick, free moving, power wielding President it might as well be Barack Obama. He is weak on policies, which means he will be open to the ideas of Congress. I think he has an agenda, but won't force as much as Hillary. I think Dan and Joe still are blind to the fact that the Clintons. I as a moderate liberal support that type of politician. As I said, that is what makes it strange that I chose Barack Obama. However, I think that Bush has put us in such a bad place that radical policies is what this country needs to just bring us back to center.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Democratic Party in '08

After talking with more people about the candidates and reading things in the paper...I'm wondering if I voted for the wrong candidate. I didn't support Barack Obama because I believed he had radical policies and was some sort of maverick like Ron Paul. I voted for just the opposite reason. I believe that Barack Obama is the favored choice of the democratic party and thus should be the elected party. I think that Barack will not bring radical change, even though that might be part of his agenda. I think that he has smart policies that have been kicked around the democratic party for awhile but come in the form of strong charismatic voice. Chase was right...this is a conspiracy. Barack Obama has been bred by the democrats to walk and speak like they want the new democrat to look like. The Clintons should not be rejected though. While they split to differentiate themselves in the election, they and the rest of the country should realize that the political process is a game and when its over we will still have our issues. The Clintons have the know how and will power to do great things. Either way I just want a person that will support the policies of Congress and really help Nancy. I think that McCain is a well respected man, but he is a maverick about policy. He chooses what he likes and is very fickle about representing his party, his state, and perhaps his country. Sometimes this has been good for him and sometimes it has not been. If Barack Obama is the same as I am hearing then perhaps I truly should've picked Hillary. The democrats need someone to lead them, not to tout their own agenda. They know the issues, they have the solutions, they just can't get them passed. The change is already here and it's sitting under Bush's veto.

Brewers - Take 'em or leave 'em

What's going on with the Brewers? I said last year that I was planning on leaving the Brewers if I couldn't find a compelling reason to watch them. What compelling reasons do I have to watch this season?


"Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind". - (Act I, Scene I).
-Midsummer Night's Dream - William Shakespeare

I just watched a very thought provoking episode of Northern Exposure that ended with this quote. The episode being about perception and attraction. The characters' perception biased by their attraction or lack thereof to one another. What attracts us to one another on a friendship level, on a passion level, as a stranger, or as an enemy? I most want to ponder into what attracts us to one another as lovers. Is it perception and if so what type? Is the mind that is stimulated and if so how?

I would say in my own right I am attracted not so much with my mind but more with my emotions or what would be symbolized as my heart. I find love irrational. Someone completely opposite you, someone who frustrates you, can leave your knees week and you yearning for more. Perhaps that's why love makes us blind because with other processes we can rationalize them, but love is a unique creature not tamed by the mind.

What are your thoughts on this slight revelation? Expect more revelations from my watching of Northern Exposure - probably the greatest show on Earth:)

Bruce Springsteen

I forgot to mention that during my lenten period I have expanded my taste for music out "the Boss." I have never listened his music except for what's on the radio. I find him a very a great storyteller like Chase has alluded to, but I can't quite get into his sound yet. I think it will take some time. Currently I am listening to "We Shall Overcome: The Seeger Sessions." I just listen to whatever I find at the library.

Monday, February 25, 2008

What television characters are you akin to?

From Northern Exposure - Chris Stevens
From Doug - Doug Funnie
From the Daily Show - Jon Stewart

Now you try...


I find music essential to the mind. There is something unique about it.

Over my reflection period, I chose to listen to World Beat and Folk. I am not sure if this shows a shift in me somehow. I used to be obsessed with classic rock, then pop, then classical, then jazz, then world beat, now folk. What makes music appeal to you at one point in your life and have no meaning the next. I used to love pop music, now the sound of it makes me dance, but it leaves me unfulfilled. The same is true of the other forms. Music I used to really love seems tied to another self.

Do what you want with this...

Artists I really enjoyed in my reflection period...

-17 Hippies
-Gillian Welch
-Salif Keita
-Karine Polwart

All from the BBC's Radio 3's Late Junction. I'm obsessed with the show, and consequently the music.

Vent from Mid-Lent

So I didn't make it all the way through on my lenten promises. I just have no other way to bounce my philosophical thoughts. It's horrible trying to bounce them off of yourself. I tried bouncing them off of my roommate and my girlfriend, but I think they probably want to duct tape me with amount I blab about random stuff.

Here are the topics to look forward to:

-Collective Unconscious
-What's this all about? Comes up quite a bit in Northern Exposure.

-Revisiting Dreams
-I still feel strongly about this and I'm not sure if science quite has their hands around it though I did enjoy Dan P's article.

-Where in the world is Paul Robinson?
-The legend has never, to my knowledge, ever shown himself on this blog. Probably too caught up with investment bankers. God speed man...'dem tough folk.

-Revisiting Identity
-How do we define ourselves?
-Why do people like to belong?
-How do they choose to belong?
-Is ethnicity important?

-What defines a community?
-I think America is missing this as the very important question.

-What makes Barack Obama the ideal candidate?

As you can see I have been kickin' too much around in my mind. Have fun:)

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Unprecedented Responses - This is exciting

I have decided that I am going to give up my blog for lent. I feel I am going to use the lenten period to reflect on the issues that I have hastily brought forth on my blog. Today was amazing though because it seemed like there was some really good discussion going on. To respond to it all I think I will leave closing remarks to the people.

Chase - I did peruse your remarks that you and Joe Z posted on that one day about transportation. It would take a complete overhaul of our system. And perhaps we'd find it wouldn't be worth the cost. I am jealous of the European system of small hatchbacks, trains, metroes, water taxis, buses, and planes. Denmark was so well run - I was felt like I was coming back to a different age, not only different time zone. I feel like we have much to learn from European nations and we are really arrogant about our ways being superior - I know that's overly broad though.

Dan P - I haven't had an opportunity to respond to your comments, but I really enjoy reading them. To start out, I do have a strange love of cars, while at the same time hating how they are used. I think cars can be pieces of artwork, amazing machines to drive, and rather good for transporting people comfortably. However, from the congestion I see in the city of Milwaukee and other cities, they should not be the primary mode of transportation like people make them out to be. People should bike more, take the bus more, take the trains more, etc. Their travel should be diversified and the car should be there for travel that can't be completed by one of the others. Sadly, our country has been designed and we are used to using the car for everything. It makes me sad. I think the car has its purpose, but its being abused. I also am probably conflicted inside on the issue.

Secondly, I'm glad you backed me on the comment about things being the way they are. I thought that might get to you. It certainly got to me.

Third, even though I still lean toward the electoral college I realized I did so for rather arbitrary reasons. I really don't know why I support the electoral college. Am I following the fallacy I hate - "This is the way the world is"? I hope not but it doesn't look good:)

DanJ - Out of know where - slamming home some good comments. The bus system like the badger bus is good and perhaps buses are the form of public transportation that should be used in America.

To all who responded, keep thinking, keep reflecting. You all have left an impression on me with your comments and for that reason this blog has been worthwhile. I hope you all do well while I'm gone.

See you later,



What do people think about their dreams? Is it just random neurons firing off that offer us confusing images? Are they thoughts we wouldn't normally think about in real life? Are they something else? I'm not sure, but I find them one of the most interesting things in our lives.

I remember ones where I have been falling, climbing, running, and laying down. They all felt pretty real and yet I never moved. Does this subject interest anyone else?

I especially enjoy talking about Dejavu. How does this happen? Is it real or a myth? I think it's real, but I could be wrong...

Public Transportation - What the hell is that?

I am really upset for an 8th year in row, Bush has taken the largest budget cut for public transportation. The worst part is that no one cares or they care but they don't want to say anything. When I start ranting about policies about trains and metroes being more common, I feel that people look at me like I'm crazy. We need to cut down on congestion? Do people like rush hour traffic? We need to cut green house gases? We need to start sharing good and stop being so individualized. How do we expect to share in a health system if we can't begin sharing transportation? I want some people to either help me form my argument on this or go against, but stop being apathetic about this. I feel it is really important especially with the budget coming out and the election happening.

Is Bigger Necessarily Better?

I was reading the Wall Street Journal this morning and they were saying that the American public wants fuel efficient cars and they don't mind buying small cars. However, those in government are worried that these small cars aren't as safe. The WSJ seemed to almost agree that we shouldn't be looking at these small cars because they aren't as safe as a bigger car. This is one of the few times when I really upset with the WSJ. I think that government regulations on the safety of cars is too much. I think we should look more at reducing standards to where Europe. Of course, that would mean we would need the infrastructure of...should I say it?...public transporation to take dependency off of automobiles.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Darwinism or Christianity?

In response to Joe Z's remarks on Universal Health Care.

Insert whatever religion or philosophy has humanistic elements. The question really becomes...should we look out for ourselves or our neighbors? And who are we defining as our neighbors? Who are we bound to? Our country, in its fear of communism and socialism, not having a major crisis, and become economically prosperous overall has forgotten about the connection to the people around us. We either continue to go in the direction of Darwin, that each man should hoard as many resources as possible in the effort to pass on his genes and leave all others to suffer at his gain or we can begin to be bound again. I think that Universe tries to balance itself out and right now, people are beginning to realize the disadvantages of aligning oneself too much with the individual. For centuries, we slowly allowed too much power to the whole (community or state), but now we've allowed too much power to the State. I am part of the movement not to move us back to authoritarianism (which it seems many of you fear) but a return to the local community and to more States power. I think that health care would be better served at those levels, but right now we are a very national government and the people of this country need affordable health care. I think that more public transportation should have been the first step, but it's not a sexy choice and would piss off many voters who work for Ford or GM, not to mention deals from abroad. However, we need a return to public goods, and while a few of you may have a gnashing of teeth, I see it an inevitable movement happening. What would you do if you didn't have proper health insurance or someone you loved really needed treatment? Go bankrupt - that's what you would do.

Monday, February 4, 2008

"That's just the way the world works"

Does that phrase bother you as much as it bothers me? I was sitting in AIS 301 and the professor said it as the reason why a certain entry was made the way it was. I don't want to be relativistic, but the transaction occurs like it does because of a governing body decided as such, not because "That's the way the world works." The world, or our perspective on it can constantly change, so there are very few things that you can use that phrase for. If someone thinks I'm wrong, speak out:)

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Thoughts on the Politicians

Clinton - I think slowly but surely she is moving herself closer to moderate and has some good plans to fix America especially Universal Health Care. She lacks charisma though and seems at times overshadowed or too much in connection with Bill.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Apples to Apples: Loved

held in deep affection; cherished: loved companions; much-loved friends.

Perhaps no one put anything for the last Apples to Apples because I didn't start...

Noun for "Loved" - The Green Bay Packers,

Electoral College

"It is time we start preparing ourselves for the onslaught of anti-Constitutional propaganda."

I got this request from a certain someone. He told me it is "one of the most controversial topics out there." I don't see what's so controversial about. I like the electoral college. It wasn't the electoral college's fault Bush was elected, it was our own. I still would've liked to have seen Gore in office as opposed to Bush. Ugh.

Car Talk

Some new cars have come on my radar that are worth some reviewing. Recent obsessions.

1.) Audi A3
a.) Gorgeous design, good fuel economy, avearge reliability (very good though for a german performance vehicle)
b.) I think I could really see myself getting one. I know I usually profess myself to be a Honda person, but I have a weakness for German cars.

2.) Mini Clubman
a.) A slightly larger version of the Cooper.
b.) While it is not nearly as sporty as the Cooper, it is still a great car for getting around the city.
c.) Definite pick especially with the BMW racing package.

3.) Acura RDX
a.) A car that could definitely give the A3 a run for its money.
b.) It certainly is a Honda, but it tries to act more like a German Touring Vehicle.
c.) When fuel economy improves I would look at one.

4.) Mercedes Benz R Class
a.) I still have a fear of mini-vans but if I had to get one - this would be it.
b.) A German tank - not a mini van;)

Top 5 Clothing Brands

1.) L.L. Bean
2.) Patagonia
3.) REI
4.) Brooks Brothers
5.) Lands End

Runner Up: Roots

Are clothing brands even important to you all?

Buy Patagonia

Do you care about the products you buy? Do you care about quality, style, or price. I'm sure on that list quality comes last. And if we get to quality does that include how it was made? Do you care if slave labor made it, harmful chemicals made that, much transport was needed to get it to you. How much crap do we actually need?

When push comes to shove I really don't care about any of this because it takes way too much time to find out about it. But what if I do know about it? What if I can get a quality piece from Patagonia on sale? Fully recycled and made in a well groomed factory? I think I should. Should I be wary of people who say they offer me a green label and try to pass it off as quality (Star*cough*bucks) Hell yeah.

I think I have a few points. One, be somewhat conscious of who you buy from. It's as important as the products. Two, just because it's high quality, doesn't mean it has to be expensive. Be smart. Buy pieces from outlets and sale racks. Those are my favorite places for clothing. Third, don't be deceived by companies that try to convince that they are helping the world. They maybe or may not be. Do some research on your brands. It's really important. Make the company work for you, not the other way around.

The apathetic generation

There was the lost generation, well I think we would be the apathetic generation. A generation that just wants to get along and enjoy life. We don't want to try to cause controversy. The majority of us either are polarized to an extreme or just apathetic to an issue. Those with the polarized vision just try to antagonise and the rest of us just try to ignore them and get on with our lives. I am not sure how or what will engage our generation, but right now we don't realize the impact of our decisions. I started thinking about this with the discussion on music and storytelling. The people around me just don't care that there aren't forms of expression that voice the issues of our generation. They just want music because it sounds pretty, they just want a movie because it has a good plot and some basic meaning, they want TV shows because they have juicy twists and turns, and the Internet is more frequently used for popular entertainment than for finding important information. Who have I become as a result of who's around me? I'm passive, individualized, and reckless. A strange combination...

Friday, February 1, 2008

Top 5 Songs

1.)Piano Concerto No. 2 by Sergei Rachmanioff
2.)Jealous of the Moon by Nickel Creek
3.)Blame It On Me by the Barenaked Ladies
4.)Stop This Train by John Mayer
5.)S'Wonderful performed by Diana Krall

Top 5 Albums

1.) Perpetual Motion by Bela Fleck
2.) Nickel Creek by Nickel Creek
3.) Room for Squares by John Mayer
4.) Keep It Together by Guster
5.) Hell Freezes Over by the Eagles

What would be on your top five? I hope something good:)