Sunday, February 3, 2008

Thoughts on the Politicians

Clinton - I think slowly but surely she is moving herself closer to moderate and has some good plans to fix America especially Universal Health Care. She lacks charisma though and seems at times overshadowed or too much in connection with Bill.


Anonymous said...

Hillary has become somewhat more moderate in her quest to be president, but it is a campaign and I think the true person will come out if she actually gets elected.

Count me in as someone who thinks Universal health care will do more harm than good. Health care is a serious crisis right now, but it would be an unprecedented and irreversible government takeover that will almost certainly cost too much money and go wrong. I'm also afraid of other consequences of it--such as that my decision to eat unhealthy food is of "public interest" and thus is open to regulation.

I think one of the big things that separates US health care from other countries is malpractice lawsuits. Health care is not an exact science, mistakes are made, some of them are negligence (should be sued for), and some (misdiagnoses) are just due to the difficulties of the profession. It's like forecasting the weather, should we sue the meteorologist because he screwed up a forecast? Only 1% of malpractice lawsuits are actually for negligence. Thus, malpractice caps and limits on what can/cannot be sued for would offset years and years of premium increases. Will it even happen? Doubtful, since who gets rich off malpractice? Lawyers. Who runs our country? Lawyers.

Anonymous said...

Looks like there might be an actual vote at the Convention for the Democrats this year, for like the first time since the 60's. Especially considering neither Obama nor Clinton will concede to the other. That should be pretty exciting. Think there is any chance the other candidate runs as Independent when they lose? I could see Hillary doing it (she is definitely bitter (read as: bitchy) and narcissistic enough), and probably winning a state or two

John McCain for the GOP?

Ron Paul will probably join up on the Libertarian ticket, which would be bad for the GOP but great for the Libertarian party...

Unknown said...

I support Barrack over Hillary because he is an actual progressive. Not a top-down, status quo dem. She gets more of her money from corporations in comparison to Barrack who gets his money from individual contributions. She is fond of the phrase you mentioned earlier, "Thats just the way the world works". When she tried to gut the McCain-Feingold bill her actual words to Senator Feingold were: "Your not living in the real world!" This is in comparison to Barrack who has become a champion of campaign finance reform in his short time in the Senate.

As for universal health care, I'm all for it. Everyone should have guaranteed basic coverage. Really expensive or superfluous treatments would not be covered and of course if you are rich you can always pay more for premium care. EVERY other industrialized country has universal health care and it seems to work pretty well for them. UHC would also make the economy more effecient by eliminating the insurance company middle man whose goal is to make you pay the most for coverage and then give you as little coverage as possible.

Tea Talker said...

I totally agree with your comments Dan. Good capstone to this conversation.

Unknown said...

No surprise, it turns out we are also last among industrialized nations for health care.