Tuesday, February 26, 2008


"Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind". - (Act I, Scene I).
-Midsummer Night's Dream - William Shakespeare

I just watched a very thought provoking episode of Northern Exposure that ended with this quote. The episode being about perception and attraction. The characters' perception biased by their attraction or lack thereof to one another. What attracts us to one another on a friendship level, on a passion level, as a stranger, or as an enemy? I most want to ponder into what attracts us to one another as lovers. Is it perception and if so what type? Is the mind that is stimulated and if so how?

I would say in my own right I am attracted not so much with my mind but more with my emotions or what would be symbolized as my heart. I find love irrational. Someone completely opposite you, someone who frustrates you, can leave your knees week and you yearning for more. Perhaps that's why love makes us blind because with other processes we can rationalize them, but love is a unique creature not tamed by the mind.

What are your thoughts on this slight revelation? Expect more revelations from my watching of Northern Exposure - probably the greatest show on Earth:)


Unknown said...

Joe you do like your Northern Exposure. You'll have to tell me where I can watch some episodes.

As for attraction, it is something I've thought about as well. I've noticed before that I tend to like runner girls and I've come up with a few reasons for this. Some are obvious like: girls in running outfits look great. Others are not. Here are some potential reasons:
1. It is an evolutionary response. Demonstrations of physical fitness help attract mates.
2. Running is an activity that I am passionate about and I feel a sense of camaraderie. Or common interest.
3. Being a runner says something about your character. Runners tend to be independent and driven to self-improvement.

Love is a beast over and above attraction and it is often not constrained by reason.

Tea Talker said...

I think you should expand your horizons to girls of other interests. Though I think it is always important to be attracted to athletic girls not because they are in shape and attractive but they generally have an upbeat sense of themselves. It doesn't hurt to find a girl who does something more competitive than running;)

Unknown said...

True that athletics is not a sufficent basis for picking ptoential relationships. By no means would I say that it is. There are many other attributes that can create a much stronger attraction. The running attraction is more like bonus points and I used it for this discussion because it lent itself to a clear analysis.
You have clearly missed something about running though. It is a VERY competative sport. That is one of my favorite things about it. I have a rule that when I go running at the SERF that I won't allow anyone to be better than me. I run faster, harder, and longer than everyone else there every time.

Anonymous said...

Love being irrational...I have no experience with that, none at all.

I think for me, a girl who bowls would instantly result in some sort of attraction due to shared interest.

However, it goes much deeper. Becca hates baseball. I hate celebrity news. Thus, we share a dislike of the other's passion. This is not the source of our arguments. It's odd. However, both celebrities and baseball players are millionaires who we watch and scrutinize for our entertainment, despite never really learning anything meaningful from them. So maybe there is something behind our irrationalities--and of course, there always is compromise to balance things out.

Another thought: If a random girl is running down the street, you don't know why she runs. It could be the competitive nature, it could be just for the heck of it, it could be just to stay in shape.

So I won't argue with Shakespeare.

But then again, it sort of depends on the person. Some people meet their future spouse from random eye contact at a bar. I could never do that. But if it's going to work, you need both--the mind and the heart have to be on the same page.