Thursday, January 31, 2008

Great new podcast

If you want to listen to some pretty amazing artist, I found a new podcast from NPR that plays concerts on your iPod. I don't know what it is called, but it is worth checking out. It's something like live performances.

Bread and Circuses

When I brought up the topic of a storyteller, there was a very interesting comment made. It said that there are not any great storytellers because people do not seem themselves in crisis nor do people feel a compelling reason to write music. I would agree and disagree. I do not think that white suburban kids have a crisis at hand. We are the sons and daughters of modern lords (in the middle ages sense). We have everything we could possibly want and more. It makes us if we are not careful pleasure junkies. We want music that sounds good, but doesn't have substance; we want many consumer goods, but don't want to think where they came from; we want much food, but we don't want to think what's inside it or where it came from. The list goes on, but we are generation that apparently does not live in fear of our choices and there's the problem. We don't understand how our choices affect other people especially when it comes to politics. So what if there are only two political parties and one President? What about your congressman, senators, city councilmen? These people are equally important. We need to realize that every politician is a voice to be heard and our voices should be heard.

Now that I am done being the modern Jefferson, back to the music. I think in the urban areas there has been a great growth and great destruction of a modern storyteller - the rap artist. Rap music was the music of the inner city, those people have something to worry about and while they shelter themselves with their inability to get out from under, they are aware of the issues. However, do not think that all rap music is good. The rubbish indirectly created by the suburbanites, and don't think it hasn't been; 50 cent, Jay-Z, Ludicrous, etc. While the music has become more polished, it's not necessarily telling a better story in fact it's sending the wrong message. It appears to promote violence not try to explain it. As the BBC said, listen to old school rap, or find a rap artist outside the states. The middle easterners in Europe are surprisingly picking up this art form to explain their own issues.

On the hand, country music , Chris Thile being included in that group has some really good storytellers, but even that music can get out hand. Sugar Hill Records is one of the last great hubs for true storytellers and passerbys of folk.

In popular music I did forget about some of the women lately who have become good storytellers like Sarah Mclachlan and Mary J. Blige.

In all, I think we are generation that has not grown up on truly understand the purpose of music, its form and its function. It's sad but true. Most music listen to by people like me is some type of Indie/Rock/Pop. The music is catchy, but is just a loud version of music that's been played for a long time with similar lyrics. Dave Matthews has the largest following of them all because he is in fact different. He has different lyrics and different melodies. That doesn't make him amazing. It makes him someone with a mind:) Our generation likes Dave Matthews because in a desert we want something resembles water and right now we can't tell the difference between the the water and sand.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


There are times where I am comforted by being alone. To just forget about everything that is going on around you can be comforting. On the other hand, it can be painful to feel alone when it is not by choice. I feel like these ideas are related as they are at the same time opposing. Sometimes time alone can be comforting because your issues become too great and you need time to reflect or perhaps you're just worn out and you don't want to talk to anyone. However, that loneliness by choice can also be a problem because if we shelter ourselves too much and enjoy that loneliness, emerging back out into the pain of the real world can sometimes be worse than had we not tried to shelter ourselves. We can also make other people feel alone when we ourselves want to tune out the world. The fascinating part of this is that this can occur when you are among people or you are doing an activity that makes you feel connected and yet when you actually review it you're probably alone or at least isolated. There are video games, and iPods, TV, etc. Are we actually more connected than we used to be or more alone? I'm not sure thus while I pose it.

I know in my own life I feel alone most of the time. Not the fact that I'm not among people, but that I don't actually truly feel connected to people. I feel like they're not listening, they don't understand, or we're doing a passive activity together. etc. This blog has been one of the areas where I really feel connected to the few people who generally respond, but it also has its isolationist aspect to it. I'm not sure where I was going with this. Just sort of rant. Perhaps someone can garner something out of it. Perhaps not:)

Forever searching to be connected,


Top 10 Movies

1.) Before Sunset
2.) Before Sunrise
3.) Amelie
4.) Everything Is Illuminated
5.) Good Will Hunting
6.) Once
7.) The Princess Bride
8.) Rudy
9.) Meatballs
10.) Signs

What would be on your list? They don't need to be in order nor do they need to be in ten.

Friends Awards

Most politically aware/active - Dan Pensinger
Most aware about sports - Dan Rowan
Most internationally aware/good music - Chase Kettler
Most realistic views - Joe Zagrodnik

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Preservers of American Music

Since a certain someone constantly wants to keep invoking the name of "the Boss," I think it only right to devote a post to him. I think that he is one of the great preservers of what I would consider authentic American music. It's not pop, it speaks from the soul of American folk. Along his side would be Billy Joel, Paul Simon and John Cougar Mellancamp. However, these gentlemen are rather old. Who is the modern American storyteller through song. John Mayer - perhaps. I think you should all more likely watch out for Chris Thile. He is the voice of our generation according to the BBC and I would likely agree. John Mayer is good, he's poetry smooth, and well mastered, but he has yet to speak from the voice of America. Continuum is close, but not quite there. However, I think he will also be a voice for our generation as he escapes the clutches of popular music. Ben Harper could be a modern storyteller. Perhaps. Again I think that so far Chris Thile is the best storyteller of our generation.

New artist recommendation

I was listening to Mary Ann Kennedy (The disc jockey) on the BBC and she recommended Karine Polwart. She played a track from her and then I went to her MySpace and I really enjoyed the tracks I heard there. It's simple lyrics, powerful vocals (at least for folk), and good instrumentals. Check it out:)

Monday, January 28, 2008

Western Storytelling

I was listening to an interesting show on the BBC today. The story was a look at storytelling in Morocco, but it was a part of series looking at the loss of traditions. The show said that storytelling was originally intended to transmit important values and ethics to its audiences that could not be so easily transmitted via other forms of communication. I think in such a complex time as our own I feel we need more storytellers and I feel we have less. I will explain why.

The show said that storytelling would be analogous to a chess board. The West tries to make the most beautiful chess board, but the old traditions of other cultures try to master the rules of the game. I would agree. We know how to make a very enticing story, but how often does it entice us to take some type of action or have a reflection on our life. Very rarely. That should really be a storytellers purpose - to change his audience through word. A counterargument was made that modern shows and movies do this. I would argue as the BBC did that very few do. Among shows I can only think of Northern Exposure as doing such a thing and among movies "Everything is Illuminated" and "Before Sunset." I want a story that does glitter but a story with grit and substance.

Anyone with me on this one?

5 reasons I love my girlfriend

1.) She has nice eyes
2.) She has nice legs
3.) She's fun
4.) She likes paintings
5.) She likes yoga

I thought I should start making such lists since I need to appreciate her more. However, this may be a good opportunity to tell me why you like someone, anyone in your life. We should all appreciate each other more:)


When we befriend or date people, do we have a set idea in our heads before we meet them of what we expect them to be or do we rationalize after we know them why we are with them. Do we sometimes rationalize how they fit our expectations? I personally reflect the question I have posed. I have expectations for the people I am with then I try to rationalize how they fit those expectations. I am open to any thoughts relevant to this because I realize it is a very specific topic.

The Death of DJs

My discussion about musical tastes led exactly where I wanted. American airwaves are missing DJs. People seem to want consistency even in their music. It takes creativity from the DJs. He can't find stuff he finds, he has to play stuff he is given. That's not how our parents found their music. They listen to actual DJs who exposed them to things that were strange, exotic, etc. That's how their music became popular. Our music becomes popular because record producers find artists, they broadcast them on radio, TV, and XM and suddenly they are an over night success. Of course this guy is going to be an overnight success - he's been found by a company that marketed his sound, make him into a product, and flooded the market with that sound. If people do not exotic music tastes it is for this reason. And to respond to the other posted comment, I am not trying to define music as good or bad, I want people to search for the unknown, not be afraid of sounds that are exotic, languages that are not their own, and music that has not been prescribed to them.

Tsk Tsk Tsk Kenya

According to NPR and BBC, Kenyans are still fighting and causing blight. Do we have a responsibility to step in the form of UN? I bet it won't happen and that makes me sad:(

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Sounds of Silence

In my quest to listen more and speak less I seem to have upset some of the people close to me. It's hard to be someone who is quiet and attempting to be a good listener when people have known you to be a fast paced responder and dominate conversations. I seem to just more antagonize people with my minimal comments. However, this was my New Years Resolution and I want to follow through on it, uping my silence during lent. That doesn't mean I won't stop writing on the blog.


It seems to me hard to cultivate a good friendship with a woman. I don't know if this is because I went to Marquette High and lack the wherewithall to know how or if it is the old "Harry Met Sally" advice that men and women can never truly be friends. Perhaps I am looking for something that cannot exist. I can't say that I have anyone close to me who is a woman besides Rory, but it works because she's not technically my friend. But is she? I don't know. It has been something that has been bothering me. I guess I would like a mix of close friends who are women and men. However, almost all of my close friends are men. Perhaps that's the way it should be and I should stop thinking that I need women in my life to be my friends. Perhaps you love them or you occassioanlly see them.

*My terms of friendship may be a little skewed, and difficult to explain, but for the most part someone who you feel a deep bond to. Someone more than an acquaintance who, if you are a good person, be cordial to in your own right.

*I hopefully don't confuse anyone with the aforemetioned statements. They are just some thoughts I've had.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Musical apathy

When I was in my Black Music discussion yesterday we went around the room and had to say what our favorite music is. It was very hard for people to say what they liked and when they did it was the same for the most part. I think that a person's musical choices are a part of their identity. Do not leave that identity up to what's popular and in the mainstream. Go out and find your own tastes even if it may be hard. I think sadly our generation is musically apathetic because we never had a strong sense of the arts growing up. At least I didn't but I still seem to have a significant taste in music. That means that's no excuse for any of you.

Brewers Fan?

I was talking to my friend yesterday who is a Cubs fan and I realized to myself, "Why am I a Brewers fan." He told me he was a Cubs fan because he really felt attached to that side of Chicago. However, to be honest I don't feel very attached to Milwaukee. I have never really been excited by the Brewers except for their teams in the 1980's, which I never got to see. So I guess the only reason I go to Brewers games is my friends and thus became a Brewers fan from conditioning. Is this a good reason to do so? Perhaps I should find a baseball team that I am more interesting in.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Nuclear Energy?

"What are your views on Nuclear Energy? And more importantly, why?"

-Comment from Vote or Die

I think Nuclear Energy is a bridge to a better energy source that has yet to emerge. I do not like it long term. I don't have a compelling reason, but I'm sure I could find it if I did some research. Initially I would say for now let's do it, but search for something better because I know it's out there. Your thoughts?

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Why not turnout?

There was a comment about voter turnout for our age group? I really hope that our generation gets our act together and votes or at least deliberates about issues. There needs to be greater debate about issues. That will increase voting. People need to bowl more together* because then they will vote together. So start bowling with people, discussing issues and then vote:)

*Bowling Alone by Robert Putnam

Election 2008 Update

When I asked for a simple explanation on what was happening to Bill Clinton I received comments about who was going to win the election and voter turnout. I think that this election is showing interesting things about our country. The conservative party is trying to cover up the issue with the War, forget about Bush, and appeal to the Christian Conservative sect in the country. I have been hearing many shows say that conservatism is being redefined or is lost. I would agree. The conservatism that existed with Reagan (not that I liked Reagan) does not exist anymore. It's a party trying to cater to too many people with simple solutions that they can't cash in on. On that side I give my nod to John McCain. As a poltician he is not always as saavy as Romney or Huckabee, but he certainly has the best solutions and is the best person on the conservatives. I don't give shit what Chuck Norris says;) As for the Democrats they are still rather divided and may hurt themselves because of it. They have the better approaches to the answers, but they are so darn complex that they befuddle many of the people who side with the conservative party. Furthermore, people who are Democrats most certainly divided on issues because the polticians are. The country needs some direction and Barack Obama is the man to do it. I think Hillary has the better solutions, but she is not charasmatic enough. The President isn't meant to be a dictator (too many of us talk about him or her like they are - it is still the Congress that runs things - too many years with damn authoritarian Republicans:)). Hillary will most likely win because people are upset with the Republicans, people don't yet trust in Barack, and Bill Clinton is the greatest politician in the last half century and is running the greatest campaign ever.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Bill Clinton Scandal

I've seen a story in several places about Clinton having to remove himself from some type of business deal. It's unclear to me what was going on and how it affects Hillary's chances at election this year.

System Failures Across the World

This months edition of the Economist had a special on mass migration across the world. I believe it is an issue that has been on many people's minds. If people from developing countries take illegal measures to get into developed countries you can have abuse issues sometimes worse than if they had stayed where they are and these people even though they don't know it put a strain on the countries' welfare systems (health care, education, etc.) which could eventually destroy the current system. Where do you all stand on migration? I would say that people for the most part need to stay in their countries and the US should find ways to improve the living standards in these countries. Sort of conservative stance for me:)

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Musicians choices

In my black music class we did something similar.

Beatles are better than Elvis Presley
Nina Simone is better than Billy Holliday
Run DMC is better than Rappers Delight
Salif Keita is better than Youssou N'Dour
Alison Krauss is better than Kate Rusby
Gershwin is better than Copland
Coltrane is better than Davis
John Mayer is better than Jason Mraz
Kevin Johansson is better than Manu Chao
Backstreet Boys are better than N'Sync
Mariah Carey is better than Whitney Houston
Basia is better than Celine Dion

Think of ones like this. It's sort of fun;)

How far should ones compassion extend?

This is one of the main questions that plagues us as human beings. We have the genetic defect or advantage that we choose to care for things on Planet Earth. We only have so many resources to provide to people. The greatest ones being time and money. Does our care extend to just ourselves, our family, our extended family, friends, strangers in your community, strangers abroad, animals, the Earth. I can't assume where any of you are because it is different for every person right now. I have to tell you that my reach changes everyday. Somedays I want to take care of the world including the Earth and somedays I don't care about a soul except myself. I'm sure this isn't uncommon, but I wish I could be more definite about where the line is. I would guess that Western society would tell me to stop with human beings. Real compassion does not extend to the Earth or other creatures. Right now I feel like I just want to worry about myself and that frustrates me. I know I should worry about others, but I at the same time feel like I waste my time when I do.

Monday, January 21, 2008

You probably need the web address.

Cool vacations

My parents received a brochure for this in the mail. These trips look real fun. What do you all think? (My new favorite line if no one has noticed:))

Fantasy Football - My Offensive Team - All Time

QB 1 - Joe Montana
QB 2 - Brett Favre
QB 3 - Johnny Unitus

RB 1/FB - Jerome Bettis
RB 2 - Paul Hourning
RB 3 - Barry Sanders

FB 1 - William Henderson

WR 1 - Jerry RIce
WR 2 - Robert Brooks
WR 3 - Marvin Harrison
WR 4 - Sterling Sharpe

TE - Not sure at all

Offensive Line - Packers - 1996

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Topics in 2008

What are the issues that are important to you all in this coming election? My first issue would be foreign policy. We first have to make sure we stop upsetting people around the world. Second, public goods on a whole. Americans need to stop seeing public goods as a free hand out or a corrupt system. People need to start caring about their neighbor again. Universal Health Care is not going to work if people can't buy into the system and not monetarily, but I mean by using the system properly. Use what you need from the system by staying healthy and making smart decisions. Second, we need to get back our public transportation system. Stop relying so much on cars - bike, ride the bus, ride the train. These aren't punishments for the poor - these are solid ways to get from place to place. There are other such public goods that are country yearns for, but the one we don't is defense systems. I'm not sure how much more we can poor into our military and take from the needs of our country. Foreign diplomacy is built on trust networks between nations, not fear of a large military force. However, maybe we need to spend on the military because heavens knows we can't and may never properly use public goods. We will want to use whatever we get and not care what happens to the system as a result. Are we even sure we're ready for this? I hope these comments stir some comments from y'all.

RIP Planet Earth

I was listening to someone in authority from the National Wildlife Foundation say that he doesn't think that people and politicians will ever be interested enough in the Environment to change things. He thinks as do many others that we only have ten years to turn this madness around. Is this figure correct? Can we do it? Why are the politicians not pushing more? Why do we still support oil? Why don't people care? I'm really scared for the future to come? Are you? Probably not if your like the average person the guy from the NWF described.

What's going on in Kenya?

I saw some news stories a few days ago about problems in Kenya? Is anyone else following these stories? It sounds like some problems with the government and some genocide? If so, that would be pretty serious.

Gaza Strip without power

In almost as big of news as the Packers, many people are without power in the Gaza Strip. Just an FYI to those who follow the news. What do you all think? How could something like this happen? Is it good? I couldn't quite tell how this happen from reading on the BBC. I'm assuming this was Israel's fault?

How does the internet connect us?

"Certainly that (the internet) has made a huge difference in how people express themselves. You can now talk or share profiles with someone on the other side of the world...or have your blog entries read by anyone."

I thought it was a very good comment made by my friend Joe. The internet has made us all grow closer together, but it somehow made us further apart. With AIM, facebook, e-mail, etc. you sometimes get a false sense of who you are and who other people are. For instance with facebook you may add someone and then forget about them. It may look like you have many friends, but when you get right down to have many people you have met, but are not close to. AIM and other such instant communicators allow you to be close to people and yet can help you avoid personal contact. People may be less likely to be close to someone. They may opt for the lack of face to face interaction of the internet. Last, I really fear the rise of role playing games, which seem to give people a second life on the Internet. Overall, I think the Internet has done many great things to bring us closer together, I'm merely pointing out some ways it can hinder us.

A day of mourning...

I grieve with all of you when I saw the Packers lose tonight. I am not sure who was on the field, but it was not my beloved Packers. The Packers I knew would have crushed the Giants, however, it was close all the way to finish where fans were betting on a faulty kicker. I do not know what this means for the future of the Packers, but whatever the depths of difficulties I will watch and I hope you will watch with me. There is one true football team. All others are pretenders. Go Pack:)

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Latest Attractions

This is just a list of things I have watched lately and enjoyed.

Tonight I watched the movie "Everything is Illuminated." I would instantly put it in my top five favorite movies right behind Amelie. I had seen parts of it before, but having seen the entire thing I realize it to be one of my favorites. I recommend it if you have the time.

Secondly, I've been watching Anthony Bourdain's No Reservation on the Travel Channel. Excellent show. It has become my favorite television show lately.

Third, for information on the election stay tuned to PBS. I have found PBS' Now and Washington Week to be very informative sources for what is going on in the election, and should care because your vote counts:)

Last, make sure you watch the Green Bay Packers because they are going to win the Super Bowl. O yeah!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Fantasy Basketball - Greatest of all time

Point Guard - John Stockton
Shooting Guard - Michael Jordan
Small Forward - Julius Erving
Power Forward - Larry Bird
Center - Bill Russell
Sixth Man - Jerry West


We each feel connected in different ways. Some feel connected through music, art, literature, etc. Each of us finds a medium in which we view the world and understand our own lives better. I would be interested to see how you like express yourself to the world and how you connect with others.

One a side topic I think that with the growth of standardization and globalization there is a redefining of bonds between people that I am not sure how to address. Branding of products has changed that quite a bit. Should I care that my table was made generically at target or my sandwich crafted by Panera as opposed to done with care with someone I personally know or came to know because of their work? I feel I want a deeper connection with my world. I would rather have an average cooked meal from someone I know then a well prepared meal from Panera. I feel that I am alone in this. We have all traded connection for convenience, safety, and taste.

I realize that this is a broad topic, but I am hoping I will get some posts that will spin out new posts and so on and so forth. This is something I am really interested in and care about - how we express ourselves to one another and more importantly how we come to understand each other - empathy my dear siblings empathy.

As for me personally I like to express myself through written word and understand others through literature. Literature at the end of the day is an art for me that is so well crafted that it can move to places no other form can. I also find connection with a well crafted meal - no surprise. There are many other forms that I find appealing from paintings to music, but these two I find the most. Tell me about your this planet we call Earth:)

A Recession?

Does anyone actually know if we are in a recession? Every news pod I have talks about us being in a recession. Are we? Are we not? Does anyone know how we can tell? Give me a yes or no and some feedback. I would guess we are heading toward one if we are not already in one.

Apples to Apples: Jesuitical

I am going to start a sort of game on my blog. Every two weeks or so I will post an adjective and people must come with their favorite noun that they associate with that term and a really brief explanation. Try to make the noun applicable to a recent event, person, or place if you can. It will be like a blog version of apples to apples.

An actual adjective that you will not find in Apples to Apples at least not a normal game...

Jesuitical - Having qualities characteristic of the Jesuits. (According to Word Net)

This should be easy for graduates of Marquette High. If you feel you can't do this one then I have another one:

Selfless - Without concern for oneself - syn. - self-denying, self-forgetful, self-forgetting, unselfish.

These words do not equate, but I thought they were two that could make for interesting discussion.


I have had arguments with several people as to how people identify themselves in today's America? My mother still believes that people identify themselves by their ethnicity or country of origin (I am a Polish American, Indian American, etc.) I think this might be an applicable argument from some groups in America, but not all. For instance, Mexican Americans and African Americans (That term is a little messed up considering it's a continent - I never hear of a Malian American) seem to identify partially by ethnicity. It is certainly still alive on the European continent where it has been so for many years. My girlfriend believes that one should be judged by actions in the eyes of other people, however, these actions leave out choices of association and consumer preferences. She mostly believes direct actions to people are what matters. I think both my mother and my girlfriend have part of the equation, but not the whole thing. I think it is much deeper than that. I think my consumer choices say very much about me. I shop at Patagonia because I prefer a company that has a good corporate culture and healthy practices. I shop at L.L. Bean for the same reason. Secondly, your education does much to define you. I graduted from University X with a degree in Y. People seem to care about this especially if you've moved on to graduate school. The educational caste system is alive and well in the U.S. Third, people are defined by their careers. Joe's a good X and works at Y. Last, your region in the country can define you. Joe acts like a good Midwesterner especially someone from Wisconsin. Think of other things that define you, define me, and define everyone.

Apple Air

Has everyone seen Apple's new invention? What do you all think? I thought it was a step in the right direction - toward a tablet or a really thin computer. I like the advanced thinkpad, and the wireless capabilities and even the remote access. However, I feel with those features it is not meant to be your only computer...

Good News Sources

I think that Joe Z brought up a good point that people often are now properly informed about what is going on in the world. I feel that he is partially right. The mainstream new sources have turned to entertaining news and making the news entertaining. I wanted to provide you all with my choices on my favorite media sources. Tell me if you think I am right in crowning these as authentic transmitters of knowledge.

- British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) (
- National Public Radio

Internet Feed

-The Economist
-U.S. News and World Report

-Wall Street Journal
-New York Times

-Jim Lehrer News Hour
-Washington Week

These are my personal choices. Tell me what I missed:)

Defining a term

Some of my fellow contemporaries have been throwing around the word, "mental masturbation." I would like to define this considering I believe I coined the term, but I may be wrong. I define it as an act of intellecutalism that is only done with the purpose of pleasuring yourself and not providing real knowledge to anyone else. These acts I feel often come up in academia. I may be wrong:)

Monday, January 14, 2008

Should I vote for Chuck...I mean Mike Huckabee?

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Things I Enjoy on YouTube

Friday, January 11, 2008

Favorite Sports Teams


Pro - Utah Jazz

College - Marquette Golden Eagles

Favorite Player - Charles Barkley


Pro - GB Packers

College - Notre Dame (this may change to UW soon)

High School - Marquette Univ

Favorite Player - Jerome Bettis


Pro - Montreal Canadiens

College - University of Wisconsin


Pro - Milwaukee Brewers

Favorite Player - Hank Aaron


Club - FC Barcelona

National - Poland

As you can see I am rather arbitrary about my sports choices. However, I thought this could turn into some discussion. Tell me what you think of my list and who some of your favorites are and why? Or why you think my choices should change? I am always open to change:)

Apple Tablet

Does anyone know anything about the Mac Tablet? I've seen different things on other blogs, but I wanted to know if any of you knew anything. I think it would be amazing:)

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Kiva 2

Maria Putzer responded to my original post about microfinancing by leading me to a podcast. I finally got around to listening to that podcast. I found it very informative. The program even answered my original question on whether there could a website like for the poor in America. The inventors said that there did not exist such a website. There was one bank that did such financing. I assume that the big boys like JP Morgan, Chase, etc. have similar programs, but not with accessibility to the public like Kiva. I would be excited to find out what it would take to undergo such an initiative. Food for thought as always:)

Monday, January 7, 2008

Political obligations

When I was watching "By the people" some of the participants kept alleging that we all had obligations to our fellow citizens. They left what those obligations ambiguous for us to interpret. What obligations do you feel you have to your community? I believe I have an obligation to be informed about the politicians in my community, to perform some act of needed service, to give alms, and to be informed of news in my community and around the world. Is this comprehensive enough, too comprehensive? You tell me.

A better listener

I feel that I am more of a talker and less of listener. For 2008 I will challenge myself to be a better listener - to be more open to what people have to say.

Why are people afraid to deliberate?

It appears that people are afraid to think much less speak about tough issues that are all around us. We shelter ourselves with meaningless conversations about sports and pop culture. Perhaps I am in the wrong social circles or perhaps I do not pose the right questions to my circles, but participating in intelligent conversation and engagement with people about American politics is difficult. Take my blog for instance:)

By the People

I saw this show on PBS and really enjoyed it. It is hosted by the Jim Lehrer (Host of News Hour - if you don't watch or listen to it, you should). It discusses what citizenship will look like in the twenty first century. What I find interesting is that there were few people from our generation and yet they bring up the tough issues that will face our generation. I believe it is most certainly worth and watch and will hopefully engender some action rather than apathy within you.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

More about the movie - Once


Follow the link to the movie preview. If you it. I highly recommend this movie. Definite 9:)

Lack of incentives...

I went on a walk yesterday around my neighborhood. The stores on the main road (HWY 100) were almost impossible to access by being a pedestrian. It took tremendously longer to get around places because they were larger and more spread out. When I got back into my neighborhood I realized that the streets just outside my house do not have sidewalks. I never really noticed these things because I always drove everywhere because when I first moved here everything seemed in better driving distance than walking. If we are trying to create a better tomorrow, is this the path - lack of sidewalks, driveways and drive throughs? I don't think so, but I maybe crazy. Maybe I was spoiled living close to the city in Wauwatosa. I could walk/run successfully to many things I needed. Perhaps this is just a sign I need to learn to ride a bike. I just think Milwaukee needs better city planners. Greedy developers;)

Hot New Car

You should all check out the Alfa Romeo C8. Beautiful design. Interesting engine.