Sunday, January 20, 2008

Gaza Strip without power

In almost as big of news as the Packers, many people are without power in the Gaza Strip. Just an FYI to those who follow the news. What do you all think? How could something like this happen? Is it good? I couldn't quite tell how this happen from reading on the BBC. I'm assuming this was Israel's fault?


Anonymous said...

"Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth"

Palestine shoots rockets, Israel cuts power.

I don't see a solution to their endless fighting, there are more dire fighting/genocide situations in Africa that we should be worried about instead of trying to help Israel because of the Bible.

Tea Talker said...

Bad Joe. You know that's not a Judeo-Christian philosophy even though it's in the Bible. Christ said that if my enemy slaps me then I should turn the other cheek.

I would agree with you in an earlier comment that we need to stop militarily backing Israel so much. We allow them to be the Middle East bully and this continues the madness.

Anonymous said...

I definitely don't agree with it. I'm just saying, that's what happened in this case.

The US also believes in this philosophy, it is deeply entrenched in our culture. Look at our "corrections" system--are we really trying to correct criminals or are we just punishing them, setting up a continuous cycle? What about the response to 9/11? Did anyone sympathize with the terrorists?

Tea Talker said...


You're different though. You were specially trained by the Jesuits. A soldier for Christ. That's what Ignatius would've wanted out of the graudates of his institutions. You need to fight for the justice of human beings and not be satisfied with the status quo. I understand you're a realist and I'm a romantic, but nonetheless we both should fight for justice. How we do that, I'm not sure...

Anonymous said...

True, true, we should be peacemakers, but the differences between the Western world and the Middle East make it very easy just to say screw it, let them blow each other up. Even the second coming of Jesus probably wouldn't make them get along.

It's worth trying though, as long as we don't make things worse. Our foreign policy usually does though.