Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Top 10 Movies

1.) Before Sunset
2.) Before Sunrise
3.) Amelie
4.) Everything Is Illuminated
5.) Good Will Hunting
6.) Once
7.) The Princess Bride
8.) Rudy
9.) Meatballs
10.) Signs

What would be on your list? They don't need to be in order nor do they need to be in ten.


Anonymous said...

1) High Noon (this is the only one in order)
2) Jurassic Park (first one only)
3) Jaws (first one only)
4) Masculin Feminin
5) Kitchen Stories
6) His Girl Friday
7) Skammen (Shame)
8) The Maltese Falcon
9) Sophie Scholl - die letzten Tage
10) Das Kabinett des Dr Caligari - THE film for German Expressionism

Interesting choice of Once, Joe. I have heard much about it from a few peeople back home, and it has been playing here for the last 6 or 7 weeks. But its in German, which would probably greatly ruin the Musical aspect of it, so I will wait. I have been collecting quite a list of movies I have been missing out on.

I already feel disappointed by my list, but those were the first 10 I thought of when I asked myself what movies I wouldn't mind watching a bunch of times without getting bored. (well maybe Kitchen Stories, but that's because there is no dialogue in it, but its a great movie nonetheless. Joe it could be important in your quest for connection, I highly recommend it if you can find it (it's a Swedish/Norwegian movie, so it might be tough, check out 4Star.))

Tea Talker said...

As you can imagine, I really enjoyed Once and would highly recommend it. The movie has a really simple plot, but it's not what it is stated in the plot that has value. It is what lies underneath the plot. The two actors actually have worked together in the past. They have an unmistakable chemistry on screen. It's about the music, but story is very gorgeous and movie just accents that.

Tea Talker said...

I will eventually get around to watching Kitchen Stories. Dan and I watched Sicko last weekend. It was average. A usual Michael Moore movie - thought provoking and personal, but not really offering any answers and this one was way too long. Bowling for Columbine was much better and a recommedation on my part. I'm still glad Moore did the movie. I don't know how you feel about Michael Moore - many people are antagonistic toward him.

Anonymous said...

Tommy Boy, Forrest Gump, and Good Will Hunting

Anonymous said...

i think michael moore is too self concerned to be making a real documentary. I agreed with a lot of things in bowling for columbine (fear tactics of media), but micheal moore is a bad representative, as he is a right rich multi millionaire living in manhatten... not flint, michigan or canada....

Anonymous said...

I enjoy watching Michael Moore's documentaries for the same reason that you do, because they are thought provoking. I do get a little frustrated while watching them however, not because he only tells one side of a story, but because he tells a very extreme side of the story. This makes the movies more dramatic and emotional but it causes the viewer to be skeptical of everything in the movie. He raises many valid points but all of the radical stories and investigations that he throws in just serve to water down the good points that he raises.

Unknown said...

1. The Bourne Identity
2. Run Lola Run (Lola Rennt)
3. Rain Man
4. Worlds Fastest Indain
5. Glory
6. Dances with Wolves
7. Goodbye Lenin
8. Forest Gump
9. Rocky
10. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly