Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Bill Clinton Scandal

I've seen a story in several places about Clinton having to remove himself from some type of business deal. It's unclear to me what was going on and how it affects Hillary's chances at election this year.


Anonymous said...

It will not, as Hillary has no chance to begin with. Of course this is coming from someone completely ignorant who has and will ignore every single piece of news relating to an election still 10 months away... BUT. Come on. Seriously? Hillary Clinton?

Anonymous said...

That's what about 90% of America's youth says. Hillary Clinton--are you serious??

However, the majority of Democrats 40 and older vote for her. The majority of women vote for her. Even African-Americans prefer Hillary over Obama!!!

Anonymous said...

Well the American Youth are obviously who really matter. What demographic has a higher voter turnout than the 18-24 age group?

I think it would be a mistake for the Democrats to settle on her, I just don't think she can win a popular and/or electoral election. The best chance is with Obama.

But then again the Republicans also have an all star line up.

Anonymous said...

The truth is, the 18-25 age group only makes up 14% of eligible voters. Furthermore, youth have issues with voter turnout. In 2000, only 41% voted with an overall turnout of 51%. In 2004, the number increased to 51%, but overall turnout increased to 55%.

Obama is by far the most popular choice amongst youth. Ron Paul is the #1 Republican. But 14% barely makes a dent in the big picture.

Anonymous said...

I think I was being a little sarcastic. The state of youth voting is deplorable.

But after some consideration of many peers, I'm not too worried about it.