Wednesday, January 30, 2008


There are times where I am comforted by being alone. To just forget about everything that is going on around you can be comforting. On the other hand, it can be painful to feel alone when it is not by choice. I feel like these ideas are related as they are at the same time opposing. Sometimes time alone can be comforting because your issues become too great and you need time to reflect or perhaps you're just worn out and you don't want to talk to anyone. However, that loneliness by choice can also be a problem because if we shelter ourselves too much and enjoy that loneliness, emerging back out into the pain of the real world can sometimes be worse than had we not tried to shelter ourselves. We can also make other people feel alone when we ourselves want to tune out the world. The fascinating part of this is that this can occur when you are among people or you are doing an activity that makes you feel connected and yet when you actually review it you're probably alone or at least isolated. There are video games, and iPods, TV, etc. Are we actually more connected than we used to be or more alone? I'm not sure thus while I pose it.

I know in my own life I feel alone most of the time. Not the fact that I'm not among people, but that I don't actually truly feel connected to people. I feel like they're not listening, they don't understand, or we're doing a passive activity together. etc. This blog has been one of the areas where I really feel connected to the few people who generally respond, but it also has its isolationist aspect to it. I'm not sure where I was going with this. Just sort of rant. Perhaps someone can garner something out of it. Perhaps not:)

Forever searching to be connected,


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