Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Steel Drivers & the Punch Brothers

What happens when Borders has a sale on CDs? I'm called to (sort of ) impulsively buy new music. I bought the Steel Drivers and the Punch Brothers today for roughly $12 each. I thought it a fair deal. I do not like every song on the SD album, but it is a great album hangs together on masterful writings, excellent vocals, and instrumentals. As for the Punch Brothers, they are playing the great Chris Thile and performing mostly his new material, which is really long bluegrass instrumentals with well written poetry (almost prose). Also worth a listen. Though the first track "Punch" is annoyingly complex. I'm not if it is suppose to sound like rubbish and then recover into beauty. Probably.


Anonymous said...

I read some good news for CD buyers today. Wal-Mart (America's largest CD retailer) is demanding that CD companies lower their prices on CDs to $10 for new releases and as low as $5 for older/less popular CDs.

It still doesn't beat downloading for free, but it's a start.

gratefuldad said...

joejazz, why do you feel that you should get free music ??? These artists work many years to get where they are at. Then crooks like you want to steal their material, do you think you are entitled to this???
no, you are a cheap ass bastard.