Saturday, March 1, 2008

Greatest Presidents

1.) Franklin D. Roosevelt
2.) Abraham Lincoln
3.) James Madison
4.) Theodore Roosevelt
5.) John F. Kennedy

Tell me who you think should be in the top five and why.


Unknown said...

1. James Madison
2. Abraham Lincoln
3. George Washington
4. FDR
5. Thomas Jefferson
-I like your list except for Teddy Roosevelt. He doesn't deserve the title of "greatness". He was a two-faced populist who said publicly that he supported reform but his actions tell the true story. I like that you have James Madison up there. Too many people forget about him and the war of 1812.

Anonymous said...

Dan just doesn't like Teddy because he pretended to be a progressive.

1. Abe Lincoln
2. FDR
3. George Washington
4. Thomas Jefferson
5. Harry S Truman

Honorable Mention: Teddy Roosevelt

As for Madison:
"In 1812, Madison wrote Thomas Jefferson to ask what the former president thought of waging war simultaneously against Britain and France. Alarmed, Jefferson replied that this was "a solecism worthy of Don Quixote." Instead, the United States fought only the British, who torched Washington, D.C., while Madison and first lady Dolley fled to Virginia."

Worst Presidents of all Time:
1. James Buchanan
2. Andrew Johnson
3. George W. Bush
4. Warren G. Harding (admitted he wasn't fit to be president)
5. Franklin Pierce

Unknown said...

Haha Joe! Its true, Teddy was a pretender!
You have to give Madison credit though, he faced a bigger pickle than Lincoln did during the civil war and he pulled the country through. The US had disbanded the continental army after the revolution and most of the professional soldiers from that time were retired. He reformed the army on the run and routed the british by 1815. He is also known as the "Father of the Consitution and the Bill of Rights" for his leading role in the writing of those documents.