Sunday, May 18, 2008

Is Hip Hop art?

I think it is, but I wanted to hear some thoughts on this because some are convinced that it lacks artistic quality? If it's not art, what is it?


Anonymous said...

There is some hip-hop that is just as thought provoking and intriguing as other forms of music. However what it comes down to is what are your own personal expectations when it comes to music (and further music as art). I would say that any art is using some sort of media to express yourself. Whether that expression is well done is up to the audience.

I would say 90% of the rap on radios is not well done and ends up being made more as a product than expression. Same goes with 90% of the music on radios in general. The emphasis on expression is lower and the emphasis on making something that sells is higher. I think thats why bands/groups/artists typically are more positively received before signing to major labels because there is less pressure to sell a product as their is enjoyment in expressing their thoughts/emotions/etc.

But I think this is a tough question just because everyone has different tastes.

Tea Talker said...

O I know, but I like you response.

Tea Talker said...

I do agree that most of art is changing from expression to product. I think this is sad and it leaves the audience member thinking "what is authentic" and "what is art?" Hip hop in the past used to be a form of expression that stated the problems of the urban centers. Now it has different faces and some have been produced with noxious messages. Should we be promoting this as an art form, is this really what hip hop should like, or are we buying a product that doesn't represent the art form. If the last point is true then where does that leave the audience member?

Tea Talker said...

To answer myself - bluegrass;)