Monday, November 26, 2007

Eiffel Tower

"Why is it that so many people, especially women, are so infatuated with the Eiffel Tower? Does this go back to the days of Jean Luc-Godard and the presentation of Paris as "the" place for teenages or youths? Or maybe also as in "The Sun also Rises?" What is it?

Why does the Eiffel Tower bring about such emotions of pure and joy, almost to the point of ecstasy?"

*This post comes from someone else, but I thought it valid so I thus post it*


Anonymous said...

Who inspired you on this one? PS, I think men fall in love with the idea of Paris as much as women. Joe is as excited about it as much as I am!

Tea Talker said...

I am more infatuated with the city of Paris. Not so much with the French people nor just the tower. I don't think that it is just women, but I would think that men are not attracted to it as a symbol of Love. My friend Chase offered me this post.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for outing me on this one, Joe. It was not intended to be sexist, just an observation of being abroad.

I am currently less than 2 hours away from Paris, and will not visit it. And I guess I was curious as to what or why is there the infatuation with Paris/Eiffel Tower? Because I feel like I am missing a very widely spread feeling of admiration, that I just don't get. (I used the Eiffel Tower as an example because I see many friends here in Europe who take countless pictures of the Tower and are very excited to be in its presence.)

Care to offer any insight Joe?

Tea Talker said...

Sorry Chase. Becca doesn't know you, and everyone else who was invited to this blog thinks your a scholar and gentleman. I was trying to back you that women do seem to get all ga ga over it. It's a just a giant phalic symbol;)

Daniel said...

Seeing as I went to Paris my first weekend after arriving in France, I would say that the symbolism of the Eiffel Tower is different than that of the city. I've studied french for over 8 years, and the tower is one of the most symbolic icons of the country - movies, posters, puzzles, it's everywhere (in a way).

To see it in person kind of validatated all of the french I've ever taken. I know this is a different perspective than most people's, but I'd imagine it would be kind of the same if I ever go to New York and see the Statue of Liberty or the capital in DC.