Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Obama - Foreign Policy

There have been two stories buzzing in the news lately. One is the Brett Favre scandal and the other is Barack Obama's trip out of the U.S.

Since I don't think it matters much what happens to Brett Favre since Vince Lombardi will appear to Ted Thompson in a vision and tell him to sign Brett or he will be cursed for the rest of his life, I move on to Barack.

Barack has been taking much heat lately about his whole decision to remove troops from Iraq on a timeline and as I understand it move them into Afghanistan or bring them home. This sounds like a good plan to me, but the McCain party has the opposite stance and have been knocking on the Obama door screaming to leave the troops there. Why? I watch the news and most of the recent casualties have been in Afghanistan and we as I understand the Army are overstretched so why does McCain want to leave troops there? Last, I have heard very little about what Obama plans to do with Iran. I keep hearing useless banter about Iraq, but what about their brothers from different mothers who are firing missles in the air screaming that they want to take down US and Israeli forces. Seems serious to me...

Just wondering people's thoughts on this and you can throw in something about Brett Favre if need be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

McCain has been on 3 international trips this summer and none of them have recieved any news coverage.

Obama decides to go on this big trip and everyone follows him.

Honestly, we should just do whatever the Iraqis think is best, and what I have been hearing is that they would prefer that we leave them alone. I think if either Obama or McCain is elected, they will stop feeding us the same exaggerations and lies and actually come up with a clear policy to get the troops out.

However, it is very important for the stability of our country that we have reliable access to the oil supplies in the Mid-East. WIth prices already dangerously high, it is essential that we safeguard our supply. Of course, I would like our country to stop using so much oil, so I would like the price to stay in the $3-$4/gallon range, but I would also like for the recession to end as quickly as possible, and the only way for that to happen is for the price of oil to fall back down.