Friday, July 25, 2008

Brett who? How 'bout 'dem Brewers?

I realized that I totally neglected the Brewers in my last posts and I feel I need to apologize to all the fans out there. The team has been doing superb and it is sad that they have to share coverage with what is going on with Brett Favre. Either he's coming back or not. Either way the Brewers are clearly more important.

I am making this post so that people can comment on their favorite moments from this miraculous season:)


Anonymous said...

Cubs > Brewers > Cardinals

Hopefully we can still sneak into the playoffs this year.

As for Brett Favre, I am so disgusted with the situation right now that I'm not sure if I can be a Packers fan this year. 75% of the reason I liked the Packers in the first place was Brett Favre, he's one of the greatest quarterbacks ever, and he wants to come play for the Packers. And we say NO?!?!?!?!

Aaron Rodgers is going to stink. He's played what--1 game in the NFL, and we think this guy is going to do a better job than Brett, who just took us within an overtime of the Superbowl???? So, so stupid. As for anyone who disagrees, bookmark this post and we'll talk after the first game of the season when the Packers lose and Favre is playing for another team. Don't come crying to me.

As for the Brewers, my favorite moment is the cocky Ryan Braun watching his HR in St. Louis for 10 steps before running around the bases. Get ready to be swept by the Cubs at Wrigley North.

Anonymous said...

So the latest news is that the Packers offered Brett around $20 million to stay retired.

Disgusting! Pathetic! How dare they!

The Brewers are fading fast and the Packers are rejecting Brett Favre. Whatever team Favre goes to is my new favorite team.